My name is Milli and this is my homepage. I am currently a student at the
University of Calgary, Canada. I made this site 2 years ago, but I have decided
to change it and give it a new look. I am not sure what I really had in mind to
start with, but seems like some sort of webpage has sprung up from my attempts
to make this page �interesting�.
If u look at your status bar, you should see the time
This page is always under construction. So do drop by to
see how my page has improved or worsened!!
First off, I am sure you all would like to know
more about the creator of this page, ME. So click on the creature to be
transported to my world!
* Now that
you know a bit about me, you wont be surprised to notice that the next page I
made is to a collection of Winnie the Pooh Websites that I deem fit to be
presented on my page. I sound very posh don�t I?! So if you would like to see
the collection I have put together, click on the image below to be transported
to Hundred Acres Wood.
*And now that you
know a bit more than you wished you knew about me, check out my friends
websites by clicking here. It�ll be a break from me and after
visiting them; you�ll see how I have become a weird psycho mania from an
innocent girl!
*The next
page leads you to a collection of random sites I put together. I couldn�t find
a good title to put them under so I just named the site: other links. All of them are
really interesting to visit. Some of them are links to animation sites, and
others are links to cool postcard sites that allow people like me to get
animated cards for free. Bless them all!
*Lastly, if you notice any problems on this
page, want me to add some more quirky material or want to kill me because I have
psychologically traumatized you with this website, you have three options. One
is to send your comments to [email protected]
Second is to use the ICQ panel below and write a
little note to me.
Third is to write your comments in my guest
book. Hopefully this time my guest book won�t act up on me and I wont have to
get rid of it.
Anyways thanks for coming to my website. I really
hope you enjoyed it and will come back soon. This
is me signing off! Have a great day
BTW: You are visitor no.
is the day and date on which you came to visit this site.